
Working in Synergy with Conventional Medicine to Enhance Health and Well-Being

As a dedicated Therapist with over 20 years of experience, I have had the privilege of working with individuals facing some of life’s most significant health challenges. My journey in this field has been driven by a deep passion for supporting patients and their families through holistic therapeutic approaches.

Throughout my career, I have specialized in providing psychotherapeutic support in various clinical settings, including amputee rehabilitation, cancer care, renal care, trauma recovery, and stress management. Each of these areas requires a unique approach, and I have developed tailored strategies to meet the diverse needs of my clients.

In my work, I utilize a range of therapeutic modalities, including clinical and medical hypnotherapy, cognitive-behavioral techniques, and mindfulness-based stress reduction. These methods are chosen and adapted to suit the unique needs of each patient, whether they are coping with the psychological impact of cancer treatment, adjusting to life after an amputation, managing chronic pain, or recovering from trauma.

My work in amputee rehabilitation, for instance, has focused on helping patients adapt to their new reality, build resilience, and find a renewed sense of purpose. In cancer care, my role has often involved supporting patients through the emotional and psychological challenges of diagnosis, treatment, and recovery, helping them maintain a positive outlook and improve their quality of life.

It is my belief that everyone deserves compassionate, personalized support during their health journey. I am continually inspired by the strength and resilience of my clients, and I am committed to providing a safe, empathetic space for healing and growth.

I have undertaken medical hypnotherapy training with Patricia Scott, Ph.D., UP Hypnosis Institute, and my credentials are certified by the Institute of Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association (IMDHA).

My Approach

I offer a personalized treatment plan designed to complement your existing medical care. Each session is tailored to address your specific health concerns, whether you’re dealing with physical pain, emotional challenges, or both. My goal is to empower you to take an active role in your healing journey.